Thursday 12 May 2011

Week 3 of 3rd year work

Third and final week helping georgiana.
Her collection was complete except for a jersey top she had rushed and wanted to sew up again.
And a skirt she needed to finish.
From this week i have realised that when doing the final collection rushing garments wont help.
Georgiana realised she had sewn something wrong and that her skirt then didnt fit a basic size 10 so then had to start her piece.
Keeping organised helped her as she now only has a few things left to do.

This week i unpicked her top and skirt and pressed open seams for her.
I also researched into leather portfolios for her and also recent lookbooks on the web.
I've enjoyed working with my 3rd year, I wasnt bothered about the jobs i was given as i find unpicking to be relaxing.
It has helped me think about how organised i should be in my third year.
It has also helped me to decide my pathway choice.

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