I have always been inspired by the work of tim burton since i was little.
The hidden depth to his films and his eerie noticeable style.
The hidden depth to his films and his eerie noticeable style.
I recently watched Alice in wonderland again, and found myself inspired by the amazingly detailed outfits used in the film.
During the film Alice's garments change due to her changing size various times.
This involves changed to the garments style but keeping the same materials.
This involves changed to the garments style but keeping the same materials.
Here are a few of the outfits featured in the film.
One of my favourite garments is when alice is befriended by the queen and she recieves this dress.
These outfits are the work of colleen atwood.
Her work is featured in most of tim burtons films, obviously a trustworthy friend of his.
Both Burton and Atwood have a similar eerie, gothic look.
She has worked on such films as sweeney todd, a series of unfortunate events, nine, sleepy hollow, edward sissorhands, planet of the apes,. the list goes on.
Unknowingly i am a massive fan of her work.
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