Thursday, 11 November 2010

Jana sterbak

I had written a massive essay on her about two weeks ago. relating to her thoughts etc.
I managed to mess my blog up and then tried saving what i had written to then copy back into my blog to post.
Then the computer wouldn't let me do it.
So im going to try and rewrite my last blog.

Meat dress.

Lady gaga wore a dress made of slabs of meat about a month ago. and being a fan i wasn't shocked by this. A friend asked me what i thought about the whole up roar of her new act.
So a blog seemed like a good idea.
I personally think lady gaga was inspired by the artist jana sterbak, lady gaga is obviously inspired by all types of art and designers. She always goes against the norm, and usually is trying to portray a message.

I researched into views of others.

Feminists view:

This is a women in control of her own image and turning the tables on society, says Laurie Penny, a feminist writer and blogger. As Gaga herself said at the awards: "If we don't stand up for our rights soon we're going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones. And I am not a piece of meat."

Start Quote

It taps into the artistic tradition of the memento mori or the still life”

Dr Richard NobleHead of art, Goldsmiths College

"It's a clever play on women being viewed as chunks of flesh, as pieces of meat, as things to be consumed," says Ms Penny.

"It's a sly wink at that aspect of society and the joke is on us. Just take her quip about asking Cher to hold her meat purse. She is the one laughing."

It's a bold statement, but definitely not a silly stunt, says Ms Penny. The dress has been very carefully made and is not just slabs of meat thrown together - it is like a "beautiful couture dress". This attention to detail shows it is something Gaga has thought through.

"People will say it's mad or crazy and, of course, there is a shock factor to it. But it is all very cleverly done and very calculated. This is a women in control of herself and her image. I think it's brilliant."

I think this view is very interesting, they have really looked into her reasons to wear the meat dress, using it as a view of power and women, portraying what women are seen as.

I personally think it is her portraying the way the world views her. Papparazi find any dirt they can on her, therfore portraying her as a piece of meat.

Because of my research i have thought of a fair amount of things i can relate my research for the project on.

Therefore my artist will just have to be jana sterbak.

Thursday, 21 October 2010


I have a love for leather that has grown over the past year its become ridiculous.
if i could fit into a pair of leather pants i would.

Studs aswell
anything gold and shiny also.
this is getting ridiculous.

i did have a blog all written out with something interesting i thought about and had researched into.
but when i tried to copy and paste there is some form of setting that doesnt let me do so.

i will have to post that when i have the time to sit and re-write again :(

therefore why this blog has been created, first thing that came into my head.

therefore my conclusion is . . . obsessed.

(i really do babble on about rubbish)

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


Ive become obsessed with interesting prints on tshirts and the work of christopher kane.
This came about after purchasing my christopher kane for topshop dress, when i started researching more into his work and realised how different he is as a designer.
Ive also found that the work of hussein chalayan is similar, more in his not so outragous collections. He creates his own prints out of rubbish piles and various colourful objects.

Now im print crazy, and planning the creation of my own material.

I will post the final outcome online, from material to end product.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Georgie Likes It Hot

I got home pretty late the other night to find my mum on the sofa watching the 1959 film 'Some Like It Hot'. I'd never watched it before, and found myself intrigued by the use of clothing. Even to the period of time we live in and with lady gaga shocking everyone with her flamboyant and provocative dress i found marilyn monroe's outfits to be rather risky too.

Mainly this outfit from the boat scene, this was the best photo i could get. The dress also cuts very low at the back. Quoted by my mother "I still to this day find it amazing that her dress stays up"

Its sequin detail shown and detail to the bust area shows what i meen by risky. She also wears a long fur shrug for the beginning of the scene with this dress. I found that during this scene i have a ridiculous love for fur and any woman daring enough to cause a scene, good or bad.

Thursday, 30 September 2010


My first post and with nothing to say but only to show that i managed to crop a photo of Dior on a mac today. this is a great improvement for me.