It has been years since i have been to this museum, and during this time it appears to have grown less popular, i was the only person in the museum, It is a large victorian house which has been turned into a museum of various different historical rooms. It features findings from the original owner himself, to information on the town it is situated on (batley). To ancient egyptians.
I found this painting stuck out amongst the ones featured in the gallery room, as the rest were from the victorian period. Amongst the historical painting i found the more recent one my favourite.

The ancient egyptian exhibition always used to scare me, i could'nt remember til i worked my way to it and remembered that the lights were sensory activated, so when i moved to look onto other pieces, the light behind me went of in the exhibits maze, pretty creepy when your the only one in the museum and you have a preserved hand and a mummy ahead of you.

'as this perfectly preserved forearm shows, after a long period in natron, the body would be darker in colour, the skin loose and rubbery while the muscles and flesh have withered away. Considerable skill was required to fill out the face and make it look more life-like.' - The text next to the arm.

In the seaside section of the museum, i found this postcard. Blank postcards were featured for children to write what they enjoyed about the museum so they could send it to them via the postbox below. This one made me laugh, due to having nothing to do with the museum.
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