Wednesday, 7 December 2011

So so excited for these babies to arrive.
My Mariel Black pony hair wedges.
Managed to bag these $180 worth of shoes for £30 the other night on ebay.
Treating myself for a stressful week at uni.
Not that im not treating myself all the time.
I am also going to start blogging my outfits, that is when im not in a jumper this chilly winter.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Confessions of a shopping addict - Confession #1

My most recent purchase (other than the 2 dresses i bought today, the clutch and 200 screw on studs i am also awaiting arrival)

This beauty is a little treat from Vivienne Westwood. At £15 it was a sort of 'i might aswell' purchase
I love the galaxy prints that are about at the moment, not so much a fan of the simple stars but the realistic prints.

Jeffrey campbell also brought out these snazzy Lita's with a space twist to them.

I have also recently become a shoe addict and will have to get rid as of now i currently have about 40 pairs of shoes, some of which have never been worn. uh oh!

For someone who designs clothes

I've made a fair few hats.
This is the most recent of my creations.
Inspired by the brogue shoe.
Sits tilted on the head and is secured by a hair slide.
Large studs for detail and hand cut felt for brogue detail.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Theo Altenberg

Artist /  performer / singer

I LOVE his art pieces. Even thought they are just mixing colours together he's managed to create some unusual shape in the pieces. Something i imagine would be very time consuming. I fancy looking into how hes done the pictures and trying it out myself.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Note to self:

Do NOT dye hair the night before shoot. incase hair goes the wrong colour eg. BLACK

Sadly the shoot hasn't happened so will be posting pictures up of my final collection and garments made soon hopefully.
This shoot has been postponed about 5 times now.
And no it wasn't cancelled due to my hair problem.

Now i am a goth, for hopefully a week then it should have calmed down.
I also have matching gaga nails but you probably cant see them. Little red JUDAS ✞

Friday, 7 October 2011

Myeloma Charity Fashion Show

This blog should have been posted a fair few months ago.
I contributed in a charity event in which my family organised
A year ago a dear family member of mine passed away from a cancer called myeloma.
It is a cancer of the bone marrow, it develops in the cells of bone marrow, specifically plasma cells these create vital blood cells for the body.

And since then we decided we would raise money to help research into this form of cancer which is not widely known.
We have thrown fairs, masquerade balls a toddlers 'mile for myeloma' and a fashion show!

The fashion show consisted of stalls and two shows one being mine of course.
At the fashion show i showed some of my previous work and the odd new piece that i am now currently selling.
A few friends helped out, some of which are familiar faces from my National Diploma end of year show.

Ebay Addict

Tonight my adrenaline rush will kick in as i enter a bidding war to bag these beauties.
I want them so bad, i meen c'mon look how pwetty they are.
For someone who wears black every day i think they will be a lovely new piece in my wardrobe.
Wish me luck :) xx

Friday, 23 September 2011

Madrid Fashion week

Model posing awaiting the start of Montse Bassons' Spring/Summer 2012 collection - Madrid Fashion Week.
The collection was b e a utiful!
much awaiting next summer's high street look a like's as my loan wont be funding these lovely pieces :(

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

ND Fashion show 2010.

Before my current course i did a National Diploma in fashion, at the end of this we had the chance to put on a fashion show.
Here are a few pictures of the following outfits i put together for the runway.

Bags old to new. ♥

Tapestry Bag - This was created for my Nd fashion show collection, Featuring a leather strap and Vintage vogue buckle.
The fabric used for the bag was all machine quilted by hand.
Time consuming but looks great and i am really pleased with this one.

Queen Elizabeth, Created also for my ND Fashion show collection.
Suede, pleated lace and a little quilted portrait of the queen makes this bag, and not forgetting her added bling.

This Clutch crow bag was part of one of my 1st year projects, The idea was we were to design for a fashion house. My designer being Mcqueen. I looked into bird skulls and this was my final piece.
Made from Real leather with a black jersey inner also featuring a small pocket.
I love this bag and i am really happy with the outcome.
I have also posted previous research for the ideas i came up with whilst designing this bag.

All Saints - NOT FOR SALE Campaign.

I have a love for allsaints, not their customer service as i have yet to have a good experience with them but for the unique cut's of their clothing.
A brand that i would much like to work with in the future.

In the video i have posted i was intrigued to find that the designs printed on the tshirts were then processed in the same way i created my own tshirt designs by using screen printing by hand.

When this email arrived with the following information it made me more intregued in the brand, showing they are involved with making consumers aware of global issues.
Kudos to Allsaints.

'In a new international effort to fight human trafficking and end modern day slavery, AllSaints Spitalfeilds are proud to announce the launch of an innovative partnership with the international anti-human trafficking group, Not For Sale. "In recent years, the fashion world has focused its attention primarily on environmental impact of manufacturing and product sourcing," says David Batstone, President of Nor For Sale.

This week's launch of the partnership with AllSaints and Not For Sale represents the unprecedented entrance of a global retailer into a movement that aims to put an end to forced labour. AllSaints and Not For Sale together aim to model what it looks like to care about the dignity of people.'

Monday, 19 September 2011


Currently sat in the boyfriends bedroom in leeds city centre.
Realising how much of an addict i am at the moment.
My love for studs and leather has reached a high, and my shopping spree's are to be tamed!
Im also absolutely loving pink grapefruit cordial, not that it has any relavence to this FASHION inspired blog.
But ah well a random moments always good.

I also need to show you my new babies my J C's arrived the other week.

I'll leave you guessing with who and what jc's are , and no it isnt jesus christ but thats the usual reaction from on lookers. ;)

Monday, 12 September 2011

Millinery piece

Millinery elective - final piece - Crow Hat ♥

✞✞✞✞ 2011-2012 ✞✞✞✞

Just a selct few of the items of clothing i am currently selling.
I like to call it my holiday hobby, as of when uni starts i will find it hard to get as many made again :(
If interested in any feel free to message me at