Wednesday 21 March 2012

Enterprise Phone Cases

Skull Stud Phone Case!
One of the first designs by Salt & Pepper
Available to buy £15

Studded Lace look Phone Case In Red!

Studded Tan Phone Case Real Leather

All available to buy, will be posting a link to the etsy website soon!!

Pleat Manilpulation

These are a few pictures from my latest mesnwear collection, these are just images of experimentation with pleats as the collection is inspired by elizabethan collars, prints and colour.
This is something i enjoy doing as the littlest change can create a totally different look and can create a manipulated look to the figure.

Using pleats and sewing them into an unusual new piece, this would be effective on a mens shirt and would be interesting to use in a larger scale.

Monday 19 March 2012

Enterprise Prints. Ideas for Logo's

Currently in the process of an enterprise module, where we have to create a buisness this could involve selling products or us our selves being a product and offering out a service.
either way it is to gain experience in a buisness that we ourselves would run.

I have chosen to work with one of my fellow pupils someone i get along with very well.

Our initial thoughts for branding came from the idea of our friendship and our likes and dislikes.
Me and fiona (my buisness partner) get on very well but are almost complete opposites.
So by playing on this we thought of a couple of ideas for our brand name.
Ying & Yang
Sandpaper (The smooth and rough side)
Then we agreed on salt and pepper, the idea of black and white and how they go together.

We then looked into ideas for marketing and getting ourselves out there!

This is a picture from google that was used to create the salt and pepper design.
We wanted an old school feel to the logo, that kept the brand fun.

Salt & Pepper font idea , like old newspaper fonts.

We wanted our brand to be something that people would think about and want to look into as our products had nothing to do with food or salt and pepper it was just the 'idea'.

Finally our products will be phone and laptop covers, ranging in different sizes, and we will use our salt and pepper pot cards to leave in cafe's and bars to aim them at our desired customers.
This is how our idea links together.
We aim to be selling to busy, working, fashionable people.
Who love their statement peices.

I will post more information when the pieces are made and if you are interested will leave a link to buy the products.

Obsessed with Rick Genest

Marry me rick?